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Successful defense of Dr. Christina Maria Mayr's dissertation

10. July 2024.

We are pleased to announce that Dr. Christina Maria Mayr defended her dissertation in Computer Science with flying colors on July 10, 2024. Her research topic, "Crowd management based on direct communication technology," aroused great interest.

In her dissertation, Dr. Christina Maria Mayr investigates innovative approaches to crowd management through the use of direct communication technologies. Her work provides valuable insights that are of significant importance for both improving public safety and efficiency in crowd management. By integrating modern communication technologies into crowd management, Dr. Christina Maria Mayr has demonstrated new ways of monitoring and managing crowds in real time.

We congratulate Dr. Christina Maria Mayr on this significant achievement and wish her all the best for her future career. Her work will undoubtedly make a significant contribution to the further development of computer science and the improvement of crowd management.